10 Rounds You Need In Your New Year's Eve Zoom Quiz

It comes as no surprise that this New Year’s Eve is going to be a little different. With no big party get-togethers, or social events it may be hard to get into the festive spirit. However, even though we may not be able to mix household, this doesn’t mean that you can’t still have a great time with your loved ones over zoom. We know that as the months roll on it's getting harder to keep the quizzes original and the quizzers engaged. We’ve all done the general knowledge and the picture rounds, it’s time for something new! So, we’ve put together a list of our favourite 'alternative' quiz rounds to make you the unforgettable Zoom host of New Year’s Eve.

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1. The Scavenger Hunt

Let’s liven the quizzes and get people moving! The Scavenger Hunt is the best way to get the adrenaline pumping and wake up some of those sleepy quizzers. Start with a few general household objects and then why not go a little rogue, try a sleeping bag or something that really takes some hunting.

2. The 'Social Media Scroll Back' round

We’ve all ignored our own embarrassing Facebook memories but what’s the harm in delving into our friends and bringing back some of those hilarious moments that they wish we'd all forget. From guessing the old profile picture to a ‘who said it’ status style; this round might bring a few red faces but a lot of laughs too.

3. The TripAdvisor Round

Whether it’s one of the 7 Wonders of the World or an idyllic beach spot, you can always guarantee their will be someone on TripAdvisor who has something negative to say and it can be quite the entertaining read. Pick out the funniest reviews for some major landmarks and see if your quizzers can guess which monument or place you are talking about.

4. The Drawing Round

Bring back the old school pen and paper, give everyone a well-known logo, person or even scenario and get them to show their artistic flare. Whoever draws it the best wins, simple! Be sure to put a time limit on it for the best results.

5. The Album Cover Round

This one takes abit of organisation and creative thinking, but will definitely be worth it for entertainment value. Pre-quiz, get all your quizzers to recreate an iconic album cover and then it’s everyone’s job to guess what album it is. Think Adele 21 or Nirvana Nevermind. The more creative the better!

6. The Baby Photo Round

Take a trip down memory lane with the baby photos round. Ask all your quizzers to send in a baby photo before the quiz however cute or funny and it’s their job to guess who is who, you’d be surprised how hard it can be!

7. The Photoshopped Films Round

If you’re Photoshop skills are up to scratch, work your magic and replace iconic movie characters with a quiz members face and let everyone guess what film it is. If you’re a little more old school, cutting and sticking will have the same effect.

8. The 'Who’s Chin Is This' Round

Sometimes the simple rounds can be the best, crop some well-known celebrities faces until you’re left with just the chin and it’s up to your quizzers to guess who it is! Sounds hard? You’d be surprised how many people you can recognise from just a chin!

9. The 'Real or Fake Laws' Round

There are some weird and wonderful laws all around the world, make a list of some of the strangest and add in a few of your own and give the quizzers the chance to guess which are real and which are fake.

10. The 'Does it float' Round

A little bit more of a practical for the final round but if you’re really running out of ideas why not go back to primary school science, all you need is a basin of water (clear bowl would be best) and some random household objects. It’s then your quizzers challenge to guess whether it will sink or float. To liven it up why not make it a double point round.

We hope this gives you some quizspiration for your New Year's Eve!

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