Preparing Your Home for Viewings

A viewing is just another stage of selling your home and should be utilised as much as possible. When people are viewing houses, they're already looking with a critical eye and their first impression could be a lasting one. From curb appeal to the finishing touches, here are some of our top tips in order to get your homes prepped for viewings.

Manning Stainton

Exercise Your Green Thumb

Showing your garden some TLC can go a long way while preparing for a viewing. Tending to the lawn or adding some bedding plants can really bring gardens to life and can help potential buyers envision it being their own. Jet washing driveways, patios and paths can also make the home look tidier and put together.

Add a Lick of Paint

Some exterior and interior doors can sometimes crack and peel due to old age or wear. Freshening up with a coat of paint can encourage buyers as the home looks more looked after and loved. This can also encourage potential buyers as it looks like the house doesn't need lots of work doing to it.

Kitchen Prep

For many the kitchen is the heart of the home. Making sure your counters are clean and tidy will do wonders to make the kitchen look larger and more spacious. Avoid cooking anything with a strong smell before a viewing, this could cause lingering smells that leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth!

Light Up Your Property

There's nothing worse than harsh overhead lighting. Mood lighting such as lamps or candles are an amazing way to create a warm and cosy atmosphere within the home!


Adding decor to your home stops it feeling like a show home and allows viewers to see themselves living there. Decoration pieces like plans add some vibrancy and life to the home.

If you're thinking of selling your home, talk to your local branch today to book your FREE valuation.

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