How to Save Money On Your Bills

Rent and the cost of living is plenty without giving yourself more expenditure. We've put together some top tips that could help you save money on your household bills.

Manning Stainton



Invest in a water tank jacket. It will cost you around £15 but will save you a minimum of £50 a year on your heating bill. This will help trap the heat inside the water tank and not lose it inside your cupboard. Insulating all around your home is cost-effective; investing in some good quality loft insulation will keep your winter heating bills down.

Less Is More

Washing Up

Only do your washing up or turn on your dishwasher when you have a full load to do. Reducing the number of loads you do will save you a minimum of £10 a month. Don’t do laundry every day, keep the machine on 30 and don’t use a tumble dryer. You would be surprised how much this will save you on your heating and energy bill.

Install Programmable Thermostats


This way your heating won’t be on when you’re not home and you’ll know exactly when it’s due to heat up. God forbid your heating comes on every day when you’re out of the house and you don’t know it’s even happening. This can be quiet expensive and you will need the permission of your landlord before you are able to install something like this. You could always ask your landlord if they would be willing to help you with the cost of it. Alternatively, Hive will do a £20 a month deal on their heating system including installation.


Light Bulbs

Whenever you have to replace a bulb make sure you replace it with an LED bulb. They are more energy efficient and last longer than a generic bulb. This switch could save you £9 a year per LED bulb so it’s worth doing. Think Eco, one of the easiest ways of reducing bills is to simply be more eco. Turn off lights when you’re not in the room and don’t leave outlets switched on. Everything that needs to be turned on is using energy and adding to your bills so think about it that way.

Furnish On The Cheap


You would be shocked at the amount of high-quality furniture I have found second hand. You don’t need to go into John Lewis and get brand new sofas, dining table, lamps, side tables and everything else you want. The Facebook marketplace is the best place to find bargain furniture. Granted some of these finds have needed a good scrub, but most of them have been wood so I have cleaned them thoroughly and then painted them. Sofas took longer to find, you need to strike the right balance between the price being good and the level of wear the furniture has gotten. Second-hand sofas, in my opinion, will always need professional upholstery cleaning so find a reliable local provider and get a quote for your furniture. It will be good as new after a clean and all yours at a fraction of the cost of a new one.

We hoped this has helped save you a bit so that you can spend it on the important things in life.

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