Five Festive Styling Tips for a Greener Christmas

Say hello to Siobhan Murphy, aka InteriorCurve! She is an interior designer passionate about sustainable living. As we dive into the festive season, she is here to share her top five tips for creating a Christmas atmosphere that not only dazzles but also treads lightly on the planet.

For more of Siobhan's work and interior inspiration, check out her website!

Manning Stainton

Opt for Eco-Friendly Decorations

In the world of festive decor, choosing glass, paper, and fabric over plastic can make a world of difference. Not only is this choice more environmentally conscious, but it also adds a delightful touch to your celebrations. Why not try incorporating vintage fabrics into beautiful bowls and repurposing leftover gift wrap into stunning paper chains. And let's not forget the timeless allure of glass baubles—they bring a sparkle to your tree that plastic ones simply can't match.

Embrace The Charm of Reusing

Before rushing out to buy new decorations, consider the treasures you already have. Reusing last year's decorations not only minimises waste but also evokes a sense of nostalgia. If you do find yourself in need of a few new pieces, explore charity shops for unique vintage finds. Better yet, initiate a decoration swap with friends and family who might be looking to refresh their holiday colour scheme.

Forage for Foliage

Nature provides an abundance of materials for crafting beautiful holiday displays. Take a stroll in your garden or explore those of friends and family to gather branches, holly, and lovely leaves. These simple elements can be transformed into exquisite wreaths and mantel displays at virtually no cost, bringing the beauty of the outdoors into your festive home.

Homemade Gingerbread Decorations

Get creative in the kitchen and embark on a family project to make tasty gingerbread decorations. Whether crafting gingerbread men or tiny houses, these homemade treats double as festive decor and delicious snacks. Plus, the process is a wonderful opportunity for quality time with loved ones.

Sustainable Christmas Trees

Consider the environmental impact of traditional cut Christmas trees and explore the possibility of a potted tree. By using a tree that can thrive in your garden year-round, you minimise the need for a new tree every year. Decorate it for Christmas, then return it to its outdoor home when the festivities conclude. If a potted tree isn't feasible, ensure that you recycle your Christmas tree responsibly at the end Christmas

There you have it—some top tips for creating a sustainably stylish Christmas. Embrace these ideas, and not only will you be contributing to a greener planet, but you'll also infuse your home with the warmth and charm that truly defines the Christmas spirit. Happy decorating!

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