5 Tips on How to Make the Most of Your Home Office!

After months of working from home during lockdown, are you tired of looking at the same four walls? If this is the case, then making the most out of your home office is a must! Making some small changes could help with motivation and inspiration. So, whether you’re working from your bedroom or working in the old study, no matter what change you make to your space, adjusting it can do wonders for your productivity!

Manning Stainton

1. Desk Space

A workstation starts with a great desk. If you haven’t done it already, investing in a desk will separate your workday from your home life. It’s a great way to mimic an office environment; which is proven to increase your overall productivity and concentration levels. Place your desk adjacent to a window, to keep yourself in a healthy mindset for the day!

2. Plants

Putting plants in your home office can destress and make your office feel more relaxed. If looking at empty walls for hours on end makes you lack focus and interest, then bringing in natural décor is a great way to jazz up your office space to make it feel more appealing!

3. Office Chair

Your chair at home might not cut it for your working day! Investing in an office chair will most likely give you more comfort whilst working and support your back and neck. If you are comfy at work, then you are going to feel much happier and enjoy your working day, which in turn will help your productivity!

4. Coffee Machine

If instant coffee isn’t for you, why not treat yourself to a coffee machine? If you’re struggling to get motivated in the morning, having a coffee machine at hand is a great way to wake you up and set you on the right track for the day ahead!

5. Add Personality with Decor

One of the best parts of having a home office is that you can design it to your own taste. Injecting some of your own personality into your décor will make the space feel more appealing and will encourage creativity in your work! When choosing how to decorate your space, make sure you pick an energy-inducing colour, as dull colours may make you feel less inspired!

Working from home doesn’t have to mean an Ikea desk cramped in the corner of your living room; if you’re lucky enough to have space for a home office why not make the most of it with one of these handy tips - who knows it might even make the working day go faster!

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