Supporting Wortley Football Club

Last week we caught up with Wortley Football Club, which we are delighted to support. The club has been going since 1974, with boys and girls from age 4 years and up. The club is a huge asset to Wortley, keeping a variety of age groups active. The teams start at 4 years and go all the way up to open-age men’s and ladies' teams.

Manning Stainton

The club welcomes any volunteers that want to get involved with the club, parents included.

The season is going well for all teams and there are events coming up later in the year including a fun day and a charity golf day in June. Follow the club on Facebook to keep up to date with events.

Katy from Wortley FC says “The kids absolutely love it, especially the young ones. They love the training sessions and match days and have all become really good friends.”

Nicola Dresser, branch manager from our Wortley branch says “We love getting involved in our local community, and this club is a great asset to Wortley and we are pleased we could help support it.”

We wish the club the best of luck with the upcoming season and if you want to get involved or join the team then get in touch with the club!