The Most Haunted Buildings in Leeds

Rich in history,one things for sure that there are plenty of places in Leeds with chilling stories to tale. From old buildings, to former asylums, there is no surprise that Leeds hosts a few Hauntings.

Manning Stainton

Thackray Medical Museum

Thackray Medical Museum

Thackray Museum was once a workhouse for St.James Hospital and now houses exhibits of the history of medicine. However, history of the past isn't just what this building has to offer; with ghostly sightings over the years and paranormal encounters, Thackray Medical Museum is said to be one of the most haunted places in Leeds. Downstairs has seen an old coin appear from an unused part of the building which was heard rolling across the floor, ghostly figures walk the corridors and people are touched by unseen hands. Regular ghost nights are held where visitors can experience this paranormal activity for themselves; be warned, a night in the building is not for the faint-hearted.

Abbey House Museum

Abbey House Museum

Abbey House Museum is just across from the famous Kirkstall Abbey. Both of these locations are well known for their spooky happenings. Locals that have lived in the area have often spoke of hearing unusual noises in the wake of night, such as doors slamming, footsteps and happenings that cannot be accounted for. In the 1940’s a mother and daughter were walking the grounds of Abbey House when they came across a frightened monk wearing traditional brown robes and habit. He was said to have been so frantic he couldn’t speak and disappeared soon after with no explanation of where he came from. With this being known, would you dare to visit?

Armley Mills

Armley Mills

Armley Mills is a haven for haunted activity. In 1788 the mill was destroyed by a fire and had to be rebuilt completely, today it is now home to the Leeds Industrial Museum. However, it is not short of a ghostly secret; with shadows hiding behind the looms, footsteps being heard following people and noises of a crying boy. As If this wasn't enough paranormal activity, the oldest part of the mill is said to be haunted by an imposing figure of a Victorian Gentlemen that lurks around in the area worst hit by the fire. Fancy experiencing these happenings, why not join a Haunted Night at the Mills!

Kirkstall Abbey

Kirkstall Abbey

With over 800 years of history, Kirkstall Abbey attracts many visitors and is considered one of the oldest attractions in the region. During the Dissolution of the Monasteries under Henry VIII rule, Kirkstall Abbey was emptied and its remains were left. With this impressive and trouble history, of course there are ghosts! With this being said, the grounds of the Abbey are said to be home to Mary; a woman who witnessed her husband committing a murder. She turned him into the authorities, and its said that her guilt still haunts her and the grounds.

Temple Newsam

Temple Newsam

Temple Newsam is truly a statement of a building. Dating back to the Tudor-Jacobean times, it comes as no surprise that history may have left its mark. Naturally, With such a diverse past, there have been tales of more than one ghost within the grounds and walls of Temple Newsam. Most famous is perhaps the so called 'Blue Lady of Temple Newsam', her identity is thought to be of Lady Mary Ingram,who story tells a of a fatal robbery, from which she suffered critical injuries. Lady Mary died two weeks after her robbery and she is said to be still haunting the grounds today.

If you dare to go adventuring to these places; don’t forget to say ‘hello’ to the spooky pasts that haunt them!